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Pobody's Nerfect: Reducing Robot Failures to Scale Efficiently

By Team InOrbit

We’ve said it here before, but it’s worth repeating – robots fail, and they fail more often than you think. When companies talk about the benefits of robotics, they tend to gloss over some of the downsides of autonomous systems, especially those that work in dynamic, changing and chaotic environments. Robots get stuck, they get lost, they break down … and occasionally they even catch fire or fall down an escalator.

For sure, roboticists spend lots of time to make sure robots fail less over time, but achieving 100% perfection also means that they may never leave the lab. Even some of the best-built machines have failed at one point or another, requiring service calls or other maintenance.

The key to scaling robots is to make sure you have a system that can help reduce the number of autonomy exceptions (failures) as the number of robots deployed increases. In the absence of this, the cost to deploy additional robots becomes impossible to maintain.

InOrbit recently addressed these issues in two complementary formats: a whitepaper entitled “Scaling Robot Fleets: The Journey from 50 to 50,000” and a webinar, “Scaling Your Robot Fleet with RobOps.” We looked at the reasons why robotics operations, or RobOps, is especially important as robot fleets scale from small numbers to large deployments.

The whitepaper and webinar are free to download or view on demand. We are planning another webinar for May 26, so sign up for our email newsletter to be notified of this event and to receive other InOrbit updates.