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Welcome Instock: Partners in RobOps Innovation

By Team InOrbit

At InOrbit.AI we're always on the lookout for cutting-edge partners who share our passion for revolutionizing robot operations. Today, we are thrilled to celebrate one of our newest InOrbit Connect partners, Instock. A true trailblazer in the world of goods-to-person solutions, an installation of their flexible, modular Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) is now in use at the InOrbit Robot Space in Mountain View, California.

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Automate 2024: Showcasing AI-Driven Innovations

By Team InOrbit

The InOrbit.AI team had an incredible time at Automate, marking our busiest and most exciting year at the event yet. The show was filled with engaging conversations, insightful presentations, and impressive demos that highlighted the growing demand for advanced robotic operations solutions. Here’s a recap of our fantastic journey at Automate 2024. Yes, it involves lots of pizza.🍕

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RobOps Copilot at Automate

By Team InOrbit

This week the InOrbit.AI team is hitting the road for Chicago and we couldn’t be more excited. Once again we’ll be at the Association for Advancing Automation, or A3’s premier robotics show, Automate. Visit us on the show floor at booth #3256, and feel free to book a live, remote demo. This is a great opportunity to connect directly with our industry peers developing automation, and those end users looking for the right robotics solution to meet their unique needs. Every year we see this show grow and we’re particularly thrilled to be back in Chicago with our latest innovation on display: InOrbit RobOps CopilotTM.   

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Embracing Collaboration: InOrbit Joins OSRA for Open-Source Innovation

By Team InOrbit

We're excited to announce that InOrbit has joined the Open Source Robotics Alliance (OSRA), a milestone in our commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation within the robotics community.

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InOrbit Brings RobOps to Simulations Powered by NVIDIA

By Team InOrbit

Simulations have been a potent tool in robotics for some time now. Companies particularly rely on sims for reinforcement learning to train robots. Effective simulations can help drive continuous improvements in production workflows, orchestrate robots and other technologies, and mitigate the often costly impact of traffic jams. While many robotics companies use simulation tools, nothing provides the dynamic opportunity to visualize robots in such an exciting way as NVIDIA’s Isaac Sim™. Today we’re thrilled to unveil an integration of this powerful simulation tool with the InOrbit RobOps platform.

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Spotlight on WiBotic at the InOrbit Robot Space

By Team InOrbit

Today, we pull back the curtain on what charges us up at the InOrbit Robot Space. It powers our multi-vendor robot fleet during live demos, making our RobOps platform and our partner's robots truly shine. Today our spotlight turns to the incredible tech from our partners at WiBotic.

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InOrbit Welcomes OTTO Motors to the Robot Space: Unveiling the Open Source OTTO <> InOrbit Connector

By Team InOrbit

At InOrbit, we've always admired the remarkable work of OTTO Motors and Clearpath Robotics. Our history together is filled with exciting collaborations starting back in 2022 when we partnered on the development of a ROS2 to VDA 5050 connector, and followed up with an impressive demo at the AMR & Logistics conference. Our approach to robotics and a desire to share a vision for an open and connected future are very closely aligned. In fact, this is one of the reasons Clearpath’s Jackal became one of the first real robots we purchased. So today, we're thrilled to share the latest chapter in our journey by welcoming the OTTO 100 officially to the InOrbit Robot Space. 

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InOrbit 2021: a year in review

By Team InOrbit

This past year saw major changes for InOrbit, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Through experiment-led development, lots of trial and error, and some great connections with our friends and family in the robotics community (that’s all of you), we’ve made our platform more accessible, and robust for our users.

As 2021 comes to a close we are taking time to look back and reflect, if only for a few minutes on the year that was, and highlight some of our successes.

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Why we're giving developers the tools to build better robots

Julian Cerruti

In the beginning...

I entered the robotics world 10 years ago, thanks to an opportunity from Willow Garage and its outstanding people. I joined them from the world of enterprise software with the goal of helping to bring robotics research into the world with production-ready solutions.

I fell in love with the humanity and professional excellence of the robotics engineers I worked with, and the interesting challenge of creating tools to make our lives easier.

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Tales from the con: A3 AMR & Logistics conference 2021

Diego May

It was really great to be part of the A3 AMR & Logistics conference this year.

The conference had the usual good presentations and panels, but the exhibitor’s floor was where robot and technology manufacturers met to discuss the latest technologies and innovations in this nascent field of robotics. This conference in particular, being held in Memphis, saw the almost overshadowing presence of FedEx in attendance. But through the different panels and visitors on the exhibition floor, it became crystal clear to us that the “end user” is definitely considering operations as they think about how to deploy diverse robotics technologies in the field. This confirms that our drive to promote effective RobOps is working.

The topic of interoperability was a part of several different presentations this year, which showed a growing understanding from enterprises and robot vendors about how interoperability is the next important step to take the industry to the next level.

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