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By Team InOrbit

InOrbit Brings RobOps to Simulations Powered by NVIDIA

By Team InOrbit

Simulations have been a potent tool in robotics for some time now. Companies particularly rely on sims for reinforcement learning to train robots. Effective simulations can help drive continuous improvements in production workflows, orchestrate robots and other technologies, and mitigate the often costly impact of traffic jams. While many robotics companies use simulation tools, nothing provides the dynamic opportunity to visualize robots in such an exciting way as NVIDIA’s Isaac Sim™. Today we’re thrilled to unveil an integration of this powerful simulation tool with the InOrbit RobOps platform.

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Spotlight on WiBotic at the InOrbit Robot Space

By Team InOrbit

Today, we pull back the curtain on what charges us up at the InOrbit Robot Space. It powers our multi-vendor robot fleet during live demos, making our RobOps platform and our partner's robots truly shine. Today our spotlight turns to the incredible tech from our partners at WiBotic.

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Meet InOrbit's Newest Trailblazers

By Team InOrbit

As the seasons change, so does InOrbit, and today we are thrilled to share some exciting news—the InOrbit family has grown! With new teammates joining our ranks and familiar faces stepping into new roles, the spirit of innovation and collaboration continues to thrive within our amazing RobOps platform and service.

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InOrbit is on a Mission

By Team InOrbit

Today is definitely an exciting day for us at InOrbit. You may have seen our press release announcing the latest advancements with InOrbit missions as well as the expansion of our InOrbit Connect ecosystem to a host of new partners. These developments mark a milestone for the InOrbit platform as we have an answer to user demand for end-to-end orchestration.

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IOC Live: Orchestrating the Future of Robotics in Supply Chain

By Team InOrbit

At the recent InOrbit Connect Live event, attendees with a keen interest in robotics for supply chain and logistics were in for a treat. The event featured a lineup of experts from industry-leading companies, including Kärcher, Instock, and SICK, who showcased innovative products for automation and infrastructure. However, the highlight of the event was a panel discussion on "Robot Operations in the Supply Chain." This insightful conversation delved deep into the latest technologies, strategies, and the benefits of effective RobOps in the supply chain industry.

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Join the Robotics Extravaganza at InOrbit Connect Live

By Team InOrbit

We hope you’re ready for a front-row seat at our amazing robotics event. On September 28th InOrbit has something new to share with InOrbit Connect Live, a free robotics expo and conversation perfect for those exploring how to integrate robotics into their supply chain and logistics operations. This is the event where tech meets talk, and robots rule the stage!

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InOrbit Welcomes OTTO Motors to the Robot Space: Unveiling the Open Source OTTO <> InOrbit Connector

By Team InOrbit

At InOrbit, we've always admired the remarkable work of OTTO Motors and Clearpath Robotics. Our history together is filled with exciting collaborations starting back in 2022 when we partnered on the development of a ROS2 to VDA 5050 connector, and followed up with an impressive demo at the AMR & Logistics conference. Our approach to robotics and a desire to share a vision for an open and connected future are very closely aligned. In fact, this is one of the reasons Clearpath’s Jackal became one of the first real robots we purchased. So today, we're thrilled to share the latest chapter in our journey by welcoming the OTTO 100 officially to the InOrbit Robot Space. 

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InOrbit Education Edition is here

By Team InOrbit

InOrbit’s guiding vision is to build a world where humans, robots and AI in the cloud work together to drive radical productivity improvements and empower people to reach new heights. It’s this vision that has driven our open-source initiatives, and that led directly to the launch of the Free and later Developer editions of our platform. This vision is also one of the factors that drove us to open the InOrbit Robot Space earlier this year. If we want InOrbit to be a catalyst for change to demystify robotics, to promote effective robot operations, and teach people how to work collaboratively with robots we need to live our values. We need to share our knowledge Now with this week’s launch of InOrbit Education Edition we are crystalizing that effort with completely free RobOps software that can be used to teach and inspire the next generation of roboticists.

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Navigating robotics with Intelligence

By Team InOrbit

At InOrbit, we’re often asked for robotics advice. Our partners and prospective customers know that we have expertise across vendors, and across industries. Unlike systems integrators, we are, and have always been hardware agnostic. We are trusted to give informed, expert advice without bias. As we recently announced, InOrbit Intelligence formalizes our consultation service with guidance for companies using robots at any stage of their automation journey.

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Industry Insights - Automate 2023

By Team InOrbit

At InOrbi we want to demystify robotics. Our core business is B2B but we know we're reaching people outside of the "traditional" world of manufacturing and automation. We see it in the comments section on social media, we see it in the people brand new to the space who reach out to us for expert guidance, and we see it every day at the InOrbit Robot Space from average people on the street looking to learn more. Simply put the scope of the robotics landscape is growing as robots become a part of regular people's lives more than ever. We hope the people we connect with will share in our vision for a better world through robots.

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