We've got to talk about your flair

By Team InOrbit

For anyone who has worked in a corporate office, you’ll probably know what we mean when we say you can sure get a case of the Mondays there. Certainly antiquated, in the post-pandemic world some employers still feel the need to impose over-bearing middle management and force employees to use archaic tools. 

Even a modern ROC (Robot Operations Center) can fall victim to office politics and entrenched ideas. In fact, we see the same problems again and again. Orchestration is needed. So in honor of our favorite classic workplace comedy and as a warning to all those falling into the trappings of bad operations solutions for their growing robot fleet we propose an alternative. 

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Developer Edition and more orchestration at AMR & Logistics

By Team InOrbit

This week at the Association for Advancing Automation’s AMR & Logistics week conference we were excited to announce the launch of the new InOrbit Developer Edition and a host of expanded orchestration capabilities. The full press release is available to read now.

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InOrbit's 5th Birthday!

By Team InOrbit

Marking milestones is important, especially at a startup. Here at InOrbit, we couldn't be more thrilled to be celebrating our 5th anniversary. In honor of that achievement, our team has come together in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina this week. Many of us are meeting IRL for the first time, and it has been an incredible experience.  

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Meet an InOrbiter – Florencia Grosso

By Team InOrbit

At InOrbit, most of our time is spent thinking about robots and how to make them perform better. But part of that vision includes robots and humans working together – without the human factor, robots are just a collection of metal and plastic parts. Here is another in a series of posts highlighting some of the outstanding humans on the InOrbit team, also known as InOrbiters. The posts aim to share details on some members of the team, what drove them to work here, and what they find most interesting about robotics and the development of the InOrbit platform.

Today we sit down with Florencia Grosso. Flor is a Customer Success Engineer and a Sr. Roboticist at InOrbit. She works closely with both the engineering and the customer success teams. She lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and has been with InOrbit for four and a half years.

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Manage complex robot states with Advanced Incidents

By Team InOrbit

Operating a fleet of robots presents many challenges. The real world always has unexpected surprises and just because a robot works correctly in a lab doesn’t mean it will handle real world situations as intended. Even without an edge case occurring, the expected time to complete a mission may vary between locations or even time of day. A slight change in a given scenario may justify a different response, which robot operators can ideally account for and program ahead of time.

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InOrbit Connect makes it easy

By Team InOrbit

Today we’re so excited to announce the launch of InOrbit Connect™. This new certification program is designed to make life easier for robot developers and end users, by streamlining robot integration at scale. Now companies deploying robots to improve internal processes can add one or hundreds of robots to their InOrbit account with just one click. Robot buyers also have access to a free, comprehensive robot directory, including InOrbit Connect-certified robots. With a growing list of robotics companies, we expect this to become an invaluable industry resource.

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InOrbit announces a collaboration with Kärcher to bring effective RobOps to autonomous cleaning

By Team InOrbit

In today’s exciting press release InOrbit, has announced an integration with Alfred Kärcher SE & Co., the world’s leading provider of cleaning technology to bring our best-in-class real-time observability, optimization and some newly launched advanced operations capabilities to Kärcher’s most sophisticated autonomous machine - the new KIRA B 50 floor scrubber.

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Top 3 Retail Automation Insights from the Experts

By Team InOrbit

InOrbit was excited to recently host another in our ongoing series of webinars exploring automation across various sectors; this time focusing on the state of automation in retail. As with the previous InOrbit webinars, CEO Florian Pestoni hosted the discussion with some fantastic guest speakers sharing their insights and expertise.

If you didn’t have a chance to join us, the webinar is now available for free on-demand. Although you might want to read on and explore some of our key takeaways from the discussion first.

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Forget The Metaverse — The Roboverse Is Already Here

Florian Pestoni

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the metaverse. Though the concept is far from new and the name itself is 30 years old, the hype cycle is in full swing, with headlines like “Everyone wants to own the metaverse, including Facebook and Microsoft. But what exactly is it?” appearing in mass media with increasing frequency.

While people may not fully agree on what it is and when it will get here, one thing is clear: The metaverse is all about virtual avatars in a virtual world doing virtual things. Unless we all end up hooked to machines that keep us alive while we gallivant in a virtual world a la The Matrix, we are still stuck with the real world, climate change and all.

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Tales from the con: InOrbit @ MODEX 2022

By Team InOrbit

Last week, InOrbit was thrilled to be in Atlanta, once again meeting with friends, colleagues, and customers for the premier supply chain experience trade show, MODEX 2022. Our team, InOrbit CEO Florian Pestoni and Strategic Business Advisor Ángel Hernández, took to the floor exploring the best in next-generation supply chain solutions including the latest in equipment and technology innovations. As expected, there were robots everywhere.

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