Posts about:

robotics (4)

InOrbit Total Support lends expertise for growing robot fleets

By Team InOrbit

With the announcement of the InOrbit Total Support bundle robot developers and end users can now rely on a team of roboteers to bring operational efficiencies, best practices and insights to growing robot fleets. That means unparalleled 24/7 support for robots in the field and the expertise to guide real-world optimizations and fleet orchestration.

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Launching the InOrbit Robot Space

By Team InOrbit

As you may have seen in today’s exciting press release InOrbit is bringing RobOps to life in a truly unique way. The InOrbit Robot Space is part product showroom, part concept store, and part community space located in downtown Mountain View, California. This is an opportunity for us to put our product through its paces in a simulated but still very real context. Allowing robot developers and end users to explore the challenges faced by multi-vendor robot fleet orchestration and the value InOrbit can provide.

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(New) Connections

By Team InOrbit

InOrbit has been driving connections across the industry with our ongoing efforts to promote heterogeneous fleet and data management of automation at scale but you may not have realized how much we’ve accomplished recently. We’ve made a lot of technical progress upgrading platform integrations with various products and systems. While there’s much more to discuss in the coming weeks let’s look at where we are with a quick overview.

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InOrbit 2022: a year in review

By Team InOrbit

This past year at InOrbit has been our most exciting yet. Our company turned 5 years old, and we’ve been thrilled to witness and (modesty aside) help inform the changing robotics landscape. Today we reflect on our growth, and success as we look back at the year that was 2022.  

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The Rise Of The Robot Boss

Florian Pestoni

Much has been written about the impact of automation. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, when Luddites destroyed textile machinery to protest new technology that impacted traditional practices, there have been fears of humans being replaced by machines.

The reality is more complex. Automation has definitely affected certain professions and tasks, impacting people to a greater or lesser degree (when was the last time you rode in an elevator with a human operator?). This has resulted in workforce disruptions; however, the overall volume of work continues to grow, creating even more opportunities. Many people now wonder what the impact of automation will be over the next 15 years.

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What the 2021 Holiday Sales Numbers Mean for Robotics

By Team InOrbit

Despite a litany of forces working against them, American consumers spent a record amount of money during the 2021 holiday season. Shaking off supply chain woes, inflation concerns and a surge in Covid cases like a Taylor Swift song, consumers not only returned to physical stores but continued to shop online for their holiday gifts.

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End Users in Logistics and Manufacturing are Demanding Robot Orchestration

Florian Pestoni

Last year I participated in the A3 conference on Autonomous Mobile Robots & Logistics, in Memphis. The location was no coincidence: Memphis is the global headquarters for FedEx, one of the largest logistics companies, with operations around the world. A highlight for me was being on stage with luminaries in the robotics space, including FedEx’s Aaron Prather.

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2022 will be The Year of the Robot (again)

Florian Pestoni

It’s the start of a new year, and it’s customary to look at the year ahead. In addition, February 1st will mark the start of The Year of the Tiger in the Lunar calendar. 

Over here at InOrbit, we believe that it will also be The Year of the Robot. As companies across industries become more comfortable with the use of autonomous robots to augment their workforce, growth in robotics deployments is accelerating.

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Looking back at our 2021 predictions: How’d we do?

By Team InOrbit

As the days of 2021 come to a close, we quickly anticipate the new year and all of our exciting new projects atInOrbit. But before we flip the calendar, let’s take a look at the trends we predicted back in January to see how we did. Was our crystal ball clear or cloudy?

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InOrbit 2021: a year in review

By Team InOrbit

This past year saw major changes for InOrbit, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Through experiment-led development, lots of trial and error, and some great connections with our friends and family in the robotics community (that’s all of you), we’ve made our platform more accessible, and robust for our users.

As 2021 comes to a close we are taking time to look back and reflect, if only for a few minutes on the year that was, and highlight some of our successes.

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